The International Society for Self and Identity (ISSI): An Interdisciplinary Association for Social and Behavioral Scientists
The International Society for Self and Identity (ISSI):An Interdisciplinary Association for Social and Behavioral Scientists
The International Society for Self and Identity (ISSI) is a scholarly association dedicated to promoting the scientific study of the human self. The Society members come from all over the globe, representing many different academic and professional disciplines. The members of ISSI share an interest in cognitive, emotional, and behavioral processes related to the self-system. These include the ability for people to think consciously about themselves, to form images and concepts of what they are like, to evaluate their characteristics and capabilities, to plan deliberately for the future, to worry about how they are being perceived by others, and to direct their own behavior in line with personal standards. Because this ability to self-reflect has important implications for understanding behavior, the self has emerged as a central focus of theory and research in many domains of social and behavioral science.


Become a Member

Click below to enroll/renew your membership for 2024.


A preconference on self and identity has been a fixture of the SPSP conference for many years. Click below to learn more about the 2024 preconference.


The official journal of ISSI is Self and Identity, which is published by Taylor & Francis. Self and Identity is a peer-reviewed academic journal that focuses on research and theory relevant to the aims of the society. Click below for more information.


Congratulations to our 2024 Distinguised Lifetime Career Award recipient, Dr. Joanne Wood, and our 2024 Outstanding Early Career Award  recipient, Dr. Jackson Lu. See prior award winners here.

ISSI New President

IIt is with great pleasure to announce that the next ISSI President (2025-2027) will be Dr. Michael Hogg!

2024 Mini Grant Research Program

ISSI is pleased to announce a call for proposals for the 2024 Mini Research Grant Program. This program provides research support to current Ph.D. students and people who have received their Ph.D. within the last 10 years. The deadline to apply is Friday, November 1, 2024. Click below for more information.

ISSI President: Dr. Shira Gabriel


Professor Shira Gabriel from SUNY, University at Buffalo is president of the organization, beginning her 3-year term on January 1, 2022. Dr Gabriel’s primary area of research is on the social nature of the self. Within that area, she and her students have examined Social Surrogacy - the tendency for humans to form psychological relationships with non-human (on non-physically available) entities, the social functions of the self, the need to belong, and how our relationships shape our feelings about ourselves (and vice versa). She also studies the psychological importance of spending time in large, anonymous crowds such as at concerts, sporting events, rallies, and religious gatherings. She is a fellow of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, the Midwestern Psychological Association, and the Society for Experimental Social Psychology. Dr Gabriel is also the former editor of Self & Identity the flagship journal of the International Society for Self & Identity.

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© International Society for Self and Identity (ISSI) 2024